Johann Stool

Johann Stool

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from £38 estimated, ex. VAT

The Make Local collection brings together Opendesk designs that have been tweaked specially for the New York Maker Faire 2015. Read more about our collaboration with ShopBot and 100k Garages on the blog.

During the faire, visitors will be able to view the designs at the Sketchup stand and get them made in Shopbot’s area. Each piece has been designed as an ‘Air-Fix’ kit fitting onto a small board, easy to carry home and make.

A stool designed by Johann Aussage as part of the Make Local range.
The original design, the Johann Stool could be personalised with uniquely generated surface patterns as a reward for Opendesk crowd equity investors. This new design features a refined shape.

New York Maker Faire Pricing:

$36.60 + sales tax

If you can’t make it to the faire this year you can still download the designs here for a limited time only!

Johann Stool

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